The Marketing committee shall be composed of one member from each school district, along with one member from DCTC. These members will each be afforded one vote on issues related to activities in support of DCTC. The Chair of the committee shall be the DCTC Director, who shall be a non-voting member, except in the case of a tied vote. DCTC will have one member on the committee.
The objective of the committee shall be the following:
• Bridge the gap between education and business and industry with effective partnerships
• Guarantee equal access in all Career Technical Education programs (CTE)
• Maintain local district awareness of consortium programs and support services
• Provide professional development for CTE staff.
• Promote achievements of CTE students and teachers.
• Encourage non-traditional participation in CTE programs.
• Build CTE awareness and goodwill within Consortium schools and communities.
• Promote cohesiveness between CTE and academic staff.
• Remove barriers for students in pursuit of their CTE pathway in schools.
Individuals shall be nominated to the position for up to three years. Upon completion of their term, other staff members will be encouraged to undertake the position. If no individuals in the district volunteer, the previous member will be offered the position again.