This course is designed to prepare students for either a job in the industry or continuing education in the horticulture field.
In order to achieve this there are both hands-on aspects as well as instruction on the three main topics: plant biology, greenhouse management and landscape design. For the industry aspect some of the things students will be required to do is: identify a variety of plants (both in the greenhouse, agricultural and landscape), plant and maintain a variety of plants in the greenhouse, get knowledge to obtain a license on pesticides, fertilizers, small equipment, etc., creating and implementing landscape plans, maintaining the grounds around the school and involvement in the plant sale at the end of the school year.
Students will understand how plants grow, move nutrients around and reproduce. Students will conduct laboratory experiments on providing the best growing environment for plants. Explore how horticulture can feed the world. Students will study the science behind plant propagation and horticulture relationship to human health.
The Horticulture Program is offered at the following location:
Additional Credit Requirements for Graduation:
This state-approved CTE program may meet additional graduation credit requirements, including: Mathematics/Final Year Math-Related, Science, VPAA (Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts), and/or World Language. Contact your district's high school counseling department for details.
Possible Articulations:
- Davenport University
- Michigan State University
CTE Student Credentials:
CTE Credentials are in the process of being aligned for this state approved CTE program. Program specific information will be updated in 2024 - 2025.