Role of Program Advisory Committee
Program advisory committees perform a wide variety of functions. Program
advisory committee members serve voluntarily. Their role is to provide advice and input on the CTE program.
Teachers should work with program advisory committee chairpersons to determine appropriate topics and input needed on an annual basis. The following lists include activities that may provide direction on how a program advisory committee can improve the CTE programs.
Support Curriculum and Instruction
● Identify and expand the use of new technologies in the industry
● Compare course content with occupational competencies and tasks
● Analyze course content and sequence for relevance
● Assist in developing and validating skills tests
● Identify postsecondary and or industry recognized credentials which reflect
the standards learned and can be obtained by students in the program
● Advise on local labor market needs and trends
● Review and recommend instructional materials
● Recommend safety policies and procedures
● Promote and assist in maintaining quality programs
● Review curriculum to ensure that it meets business needs and industry standards and is inclusive
● Assist with incorporating employability skills in the curriculum
● Review technology standards in the curriculum
● Endorse new program applications as appropriate
● Collaborate with postsecondary to assure seamless transition for students
and early college credit opportunities
● Provide support to the implementation of program standards
● Provide input on all aspects of the industry
● Provide hands-on Work-Based Learning (WBL) and internship opportunities
Assist with Program Review
● Participate in OCTE Technical Review Assistance and Compliance (TRAC)
program CIP Self-Reviews
● Review and recommend appropriate program materials and supplies
● Participate in program evaluation
● Review program safety training
● Review student performance standards
● Assess, recommend, and/or provide equipment and facilities to replicate
● Identify industry credentials that align with the program standards
● Identify additional early college credit opportunities
● Review student follow-up reports
● Conduct community and occupational surveys
● Identify new and emerging occupations
● Recommend new programs or eliminate/refocus obsolete programs
● Participate in long-term planning
● Assist in planning for program improvement
● Help to develop a curricular plan which will enable students to complete all
standards and competencies of the program
Assist with Recruitment and Job Placement
● Notify program instructors of entry-level job openings for students
● Identify and provide WBL opportunities for students in career awareness,
career exploration, career preparation, career training and registered apprenticeships.
● Assist students to develop resumes and interview skills
● Develop strategies to recruit non-traditional students and expand placement
● Identify industry recognized credentials that could lead to employment
Support Student Leadership/Career and Technical Student Organization
● Assist in developing student leadership/career and technical student
organization (CTSO), and judging competitive skill events
● Sponsor student organization activities
● Conduct leadership development activities
● Assist students with career development
● Evaluate student portfolios
● Assist in student competency assessment
● Provide sponsorship opportunities and support for students to attend competitive events
Provide Staff Development
● Invite CTE instructors to participate in industry professional development
activities and professional association meetings
● Provide instructors with retraining/back-to-industry and summer
opportunities for technical upgrading
● Review professional development plans to ensure that instructors are
attending state level program and industry professional development
● Support counseling, paraprofessional, and teaching staff attendance at
● Conduct workplace tours
Support Community/Public Relations
● Promote the CTE program to employers, communities, local school boards
and the media
● Assist in recognizing outstanding students, teachers, and community leaders
● Open houses to expose the community to the many opportunities and
activities for students in the program
● Assist in developing a marketing plan which reflects nondiscriminatory school
policy and promotes a diverse student population in the program
Identify Resources
● Provide tours and field trips, job shadowing experiences, and speakers
● Leverage community resources and facilitate community partnerships
● Provide input on program budget, facilities, and equipment needs